Saturday, August 22, 2009

So Long Casey

Our dear dog Casey had to be put to sleep yesterday. She was extremely obese and I had put her on a low carb diet. I fried eggs for her, fed her grilled chicken and hand fed her hot dogs one bite at a time. She lost weight as her collar became very loose and her hips were slight but her abdomen was still very distended. We thought she was still getting her dose of carbs from the kids somehow.

Yesterday J-Man took her to the vet for me after she had developed a terrible retching cough. Casey was very old. She was deaf, blind and had painful arthritis in her hips that made going up and down stairs a heroic event for her. The vet explained that she also had a very large malignant mass growing in her abdomen. Her distention was due to the size and that it was leaking blood and fluids into her body. The cancer had likely spread into her lungs which explained the cough.

We had Casey put to sleep at around noon yesterday. My children all loved her. She was a great dog. We all had a good cry, but it was hardest on Tigger and Rocky. So long Casey!

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