Sunday, August 02, 2009


When technology works it can be a wonderous thing. Thanks to the wonders of Facebook, I was contacted by a high school friend I hadn't seen in many years. Mapquest and satellite mapping and the cell phone guided me to a destination to meet with her. I had run out of the house with no cash so I discovered that in a larger city the Mastercard "will take you everywhere" but in a small town in North Carolina it literally won't get you a cup of coffee. So my friend was very generous to buy my coffee and we caught up about twenty years in a little over an hour. It was a very nice way to round out a very nice vacation. I spent the quiet drive back mulling over people I hadn't thought of in so many ages.

One childhood friend in particular came to mind and I used the computer's searching features to find, to my sadness, that he had passed away sixteen years ago.

So for a few days I was very thankful for technology and I forgave it for all its disadvantages. I forgive it for not charging my cell phone and my ipod automatically wherever I am. I forgave it for not being able to download pictures from my camera to my computer with no memory card feature. I forgave it for never letting me understand the use of my television universal control. It is easy to forgive technology for these things because while I fumble along, my children are experts and gladly fill in these gaps for me.

The children were eager to hear of my get together with my friend. They are always asking about what I was like when I was younger. When I got home Tink had dug up an old highschool picture of me she had never seen before. She wanted to scan it on Facebook but I sure hope she doesn't. :-)

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