Friday, July 31, 2009

Vacation Day 6 and Childhood Memories

In the mountains there are no straight roads. They are all beautiful, winding and luscious green, ever twisting and leading to one breath taking scene after another. For this we came to the mountains, but one must have a strong stomach if one doesn't want to be car sick when driving through the mountains. :-) I do not have a strong stomach. Apparently neither do Tigger or Bronky. So even before we reached Bridal Veil Falls DH had to pull over and let me drive. By the time we reached Dry Falls only half of us had the leg strength to get out of the car. We took shifts in viewing the falls also because Nobby had fallen asleep.

Finally we reached Callasaja Falls which was a feat in itself when driving a fifteen passenger Ford Econoline! It isn't easy to maneuver through mountain roads. The place to pull over to view the falls is small for an average car, so I wasn't feeling much like getting out of the driver's side and risk certain death by being clipped by another on coming car. I stayed behind with JPII who was feeling like she'd seen enough water for the day anyway.

Nobby apparently didn't get her full of the scenery on coming back to the car and protested to J-Man.

Nobby: I didn't see!! (She was disputing his fastening her back into the car seat.)

J-Man: It's O.K.! You won't remember it anyway!

Nobby is a meager two years old, so the truth of this struck me and I had quite a long giggle out of that one. I thought to myself "Some children do remember things like this but J-Man remembers very little of his childhood. I took him to so many different places and did so many things with him trying my hardest to be a good Mom and give him many childhood experiences to cherish in his adult life and he remembers NONE of it!" I thought these things but kept it to myself as I giggled for a while. J-Man didn't understand why what he said was so funny to me......

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