Monday, January 14, 2008

New Construction

The construction workers began the job of expanding our laundry room into the garage today. I wanted to take before and after pictures, but will have to add that to the list of all the other things I want to do but don't. This is one of those projects that is a costly necessity but for the amount of money one pays it would be nice if there were something to "show" for it. I can't really show this room off to anybody who comes calling and say, "Oh, please, come enjoy a cup of coffee with me in my recently expanded laundry room!" Don't get me wrong! I am extremely grateful we are making these improvements and will likely show off the room to anyone and everyone, but it's not likely the visitor will be as excited about it as I am.

We moved our schooling down to the basement. The day went smoothly. Without a phone down there we weren't interrupted and we couldn't hear the noise from the garage/laundry construction above. It has been a few years since our school has been down there but I think now is the time to move it while this construction lasts and in preparation for the kitchen job in the spring.

Can't think of any one noteworthy thing the kids have done to post at the moment. My hands have been too full with T to be able to write things down as they come up. My memory is shot by the time I have a chance to sit down at the computer. I have to enjoy the moment before it is lost. The only latest milestone is T's learning to crawl. She is pretty fast! Whoa - there she goes now!.......

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