Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2 Busy 2 B Blogging

BUT I just stopped in to say our basement is flooded. It could be worse. Waiting for the carpet cleaners to come today. In the mean time, we've moved our school upstairs ..... again. Haven't decided if we will do school around the kitchen table or the dining room table. We have a choice! What a blessing!

Poor Tink has the flu. She had to move back up into the older girls' room.

Yesterday's lesson was team work. My kids were great. Everyone worked together when the water started pouring in and we had everything above the water in about an hour. Not bad! They've certainly earned their allowance for the week.

The neighbors were awesome to call and help. Several loaned us humidifiers and fans. Another neighbor went with DH to rent a wet/vac super sucker-upper carpet machine! We worked till about 9:00 getting all the water out that we could.

My two little ones with strep throat could be getting over it a bit faster if they would swallow their medicine. I knew there would be trouble when the doctor told me he was prescribing more than the average dose in case most of it didn't end up where it should.

As for real learning, we may head over to the river today in our galoshes for a nice little stroll between showers just to see what "historic levels" looks like. If I have some hands free I may take a picture or two.

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