Monday, April 20, 2009

Sick Day/Teacher Planning

I spent most of the day washing my hands above the wrists and shutting off the faucet with my elbow, doctor-style. after each washer load and care of suffering children. No time for hand lotion. My nail polish does not look pretty, but that's o.k. Bronky is my mani/pedi artist, so I'll be fixed up by the weekend. (There are many advantages to having teenage daughters.)

My "Spelling Power" came in the mail this afternoon. (Yeah! I made a linky!) I noticed the package when the garage door repairman arrived. (Our garage door doesn't like to stay closed.) After a quick but careful examination I am very excited about the program. It looks like it picks up where Linda Mood Bell leaves off. It is a concise, easy way to implement spelling to my crew in the shortest amount of time a day. I gave my children their placement tests this afternoon. I hesitate to say we'll start in the morning, because who knows what will transpire before then.....

For religion I purchased the two volume "The Apostolate's Family Catechism" at the Catholic home school curriculum fair and I can't wait to start that with the kids. They have free weekly discussion downloads corresponding with the Sunday liturgy AND free video commentaries by Cardinal Arinze. (I made another link!) We are presently in year B. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please. This is a single catechism we can work in daily for children of ALL ages at the same time! AMEN!!

From my own shelf I pulled out the "Teaching Writing: Structure and Style". I've had this writing supplement for years but never used it. Now is the time!! Again, it is perfect for teaching multiple ages at once.

Just in case I need it I also purchased the "Easy Grammar Plus". I've used Easy Grammar 6 before. I don't love it but can use it for all ages.

The theme is obvious! What mother of nine wouldn't want to come up with a curriculum suited for diverse ages that is highly effective, easy to use and doesn't take a lot of time? Well, here is what I am going to try as soon as we are able. There really isn't a need to wait until next year, is there?

There is more, but that is all I have time for now. Chaio

1 comment:

Sara said...

Yay! Links! I'm so proud of you; I knew you could do it. Now go back and make one for your geography post. :-)