Monday, February 18, 2008

What! No Peanut Butter?!!

We ran out of peanut butter again! This happens at least once a year. I couldn't wait for our next Costco run to get the organic stuff, so I whipped out my trusty food processor and made my own nut butter! I used what we had on hand.

1/2 cup of almonds
1/4 cup of cashews
1/4 cup of flax seeds
about 2 tbs of olive oil

These are just guestimates as I just poured in the almonds, used what was left of the cashews and grabbed the flax seeds pouring liberally until I felt it looked "healthy" enough. As it processed I added just enough oil till it looked like peanut butter consistency. No salt necessary as the cashews were already salted.

Yummy, Yummy!!

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