Friday, December 14, 2007

Peter Parker is my Hero

We went to the zoo yesterday with another family whose children are similar in ages to mine. It was raining when we arrived, but stopped soon afterwards. We had a lot of fun.

The kids wrote some science papers today and did math. We read some fairy tale stories and drew pictures. We modeled clay and played with play-dough. We also finger painted and water colored. The older kids read their books.

I've wanted to post for several days about my hero. P is "Spiderman". He's been following people around the house shooting webs at them. Rolling a cloth measuring tape up into a coil hidden in his fist he would fling his wrist and out would come a six foot long "web". I thought it was very clever until he accidentally hit me in the face. The game ended abruptly for the day. Now his web has changed from my measuring tape to a small ball of yarn.

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