Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Our Lady of Guadalupe

We have yet another celebration during this season of advent. (I love advent!) We celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday. Today we are celebrating my favorite but smaller feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I had M read the Tomie de Paola version of the story, The Lady of Guadalupe to the kids this morning. I'll try to read it again to them this afternoon because they like it so much. I hesitate to read it to them myself because I can't seem to get through the whole story without crying. (They laugh at me when I stop but that's o.k.) St. Juan Diego is such a humble soul. Mary's kind words to him are for all of us. Tomie doesn't even write all she said as I've read in adult versions, but even for children this story is very powerful. Maybe I cry because I know the whole story - who knows. The children don't cry. :-)

Anyway, we are definitely celebrating today! I'll make a sort of Mexican fiesta for dinner and I'll get some flowers to put beneath our blessed image of her. We were late but at least we were able to attend Mass today. I had forgotten that the children had gymnastics this a.m. but it ended soon enough that we were able to sneak over to the church. I wasn't going to miss Mass today of all days! After all, what is a Marian feast day without Jesus?!

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