Wednesday, July 22, 2009


If my obituary appears in the newspaper some day soon, be not dismayed. It is because I've died of a heart attack during one of my power runs! I've been running off and on for a few years, but have recently begun interval trainings and increased my mileage somewhat. "Running" is a very loose term here because I'm very slow. My heart rate monitor is rather primitive. When I'm running up hill and my heart feels like it is pumping through my throat, then I figure it is time to slow down or risk being tomorrow morning's headline. So, I slow to a walk for a little while, then speed up during the down hills. :-) I am very proud of myself because before I turned 40 I never ran anywhere, not even during a heavy downpour if I had to get to my car from the supermarket! Now I'm forty-four and have worked up to 5 miles!! (That is, when I have an hour of time to kill.) I'm assuming this is healthy for my body, even if I feel like I might die at the time, because I feel really good the next day and actually look forward to my next run! Amazing!

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