Sunday, February 24, 2008

La Grippe?

We made it through Saturday without having to go to a dr.'s office. The bug got to me, t, v, c and e. I thought perhaps boys were impervious but today it took down j. There are three left and I defy anything to try to bring down the "spiderman", p! That would be a terrible day, indeed.

I felt good enough this a.m. to shower and put on a bit of make up to be charitable to the rest of the family. Still all day long I felt overheated. Sudaphed, coffee and "onion and garlic" soup seem to be the best remedy for me. The kids are living on gingerale, crackers and soup. They love that!

We started Friday downloading videos from Netflix because I couldn't bring my head out of the clouds to teach anything. By midday I realized that watching that much t.v. was worse than being sick so we switched it off and forced ourselves to try to concentrate on a few things. It turned out to be a productive afternoon in spite of our weaknesses.

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