Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Frogs and Butterflies and Babies, Oh My!

Busy day. Girls went to CHAP while the rest of us visited the museum today. There was a frog exhibit we enjoyed. There were also amazing pictures of butterflies and other insects along the walls. I wish M could have been there to see it, but I'm sure I enjoyed it more than she would have. Still photos of live insects are a much better way to study them than mounting dead bugs. Death sort of sucks all the beauty out of them.

We listened to the Farmer Boy on CD on the way there and back. Then we went to Costco to pick up some fruits and veggies before getting the girls again.

At home the kids did narrations of the day at the museum and colored pictures of some of the things they saw. They did such beautiful work that I mounted them on the refrigerator. Unfortunately, T ate E and P's work! I have no idea how they got off the fridge and into T's mouth, but they did. T didn't eat them entirely, but slobbered on them enough to render them useless. She has her first tooth in!!

Here is C discussing her day.

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