Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Not Another Sick Day!

This morning P woke up vomitting. Hmmm... So many things run through a mother's mind when this happens. What did the child eat the night before? Were there any symptoms or clues overlooked that could have served as a warning of an impending virus? Are any of the other children experiencing any symptoms? Is this a one child/24 hour thing or is this a six child/seven day ordeal? (We don't even think of the possibility of becoming sick ourselves - too unpleasant.)

At any rate, keeping him still and as content as possible became first on our day's agenda. The only way to do this for a 2 year old is to sit with him in front of the t.v. Oh joy! More Caillou and Barney. The other children appear to be fine physically but the television is a visual magnet grabbing and drawing them to surrender themselves to its hypnotic drone.

Between bouts with P the rest of us gathered around the kitchen table and did as much schooling as we could. We probably accomplished more than I imagined in spite of P demanded much attention.

Nap time provided an opportunity to look over next year's curriculum. Currently am interested in purchasing books that will teach my highschooler some economics. This wasn't a requirement with our first graduate but it will be with this child.

After about 3:00 p.m. P looked better and was hungry. Applesauce and a little Sprite stayed down, followed by some goldfish about an hour later. He wasn't interested in any dinner which was all well and fine because I wasn't offering any.

The girls retired up stairs and I could hear them giggling as they worked diligently on their short story - not related to school-, "The Man Who Cried, PANTS!" A humorous account of a man's adventures after being super-glued to a chair and the problems this creates for him. Probably will never be a number one seller at B & N but it certainly has served as comic relief around our home today.

Early to bed for all of us in the hope that tomorrow will not be another sick day!

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